Fae machine elf print #2 The horned rabbit god

Fae machine elf print #2 The horned rabbit god. Please read description in this collection. :)

Fae machine elf print #2 The horned rabbit god. Please read description in this collection. :)

😊. A lot of people were intrigued with my art involving the biomech vampire and fae beings. So I'll be sharing more of my work involving the fae beings and machine elves, but with more humanoid qualities and less bio mechanical. Also these beings can be both beautiful and grotesque. The real ones are not these cute fluffy beings as portrayed in children's books lol. Even those which are beautiful still have some type of deformity in their appearance. I've incorporated those traits into my work to make them as realistic as possible. For those skilled in remote viewing and astral projection, there is a realm that exist that you can visit, with beings that take on a similar appearance. However my art is a toned down version of what they look like.

January 30, 2023